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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

oo.. today.. think make pq angry.. don't why.. i think she ask me about training thing at the wrong time.. haha.. i was so damn pek chek at that time.. then i gift her those guai lan answer.. think she also feel TL ba.. miss those attitude days.. eventhough it may lead to those conflict thingy.. but it is much more better then life like now.. no peaceful.. but stressful.. sometime i think that conflicts can distress.. however.. if you are in that situation.. you may not think it may distress.. haha.. life?? eventually, i think that.. i m living in this world aimlessly.. day just pass by.. life kinda sucks.. don't really know why am i living in this world.. haha.. going siao le.. my thinking is getting more negetive.. haha.. k.. i also don't know what can i say le.. this holidays i may turn rot..
commiting sucide is not i want..
i want other ways to solve my problem..
but i don't honow what is the problem now??

Catching the falling leaves ...[Tuesday, May 29, 2007]
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Sunday, May 27, 2007

my heart is so empty..
i don't what i really wants now..
after that day i so you..
i had became like that..
so empty..
don't know what i really need...
what i really want??
i really don't..
so sick..
so sian..
my life is so weird..

today.. i injured my left leg.. during dance.. is not very pain.. but can raise my left leg high.. is very suan when i raise it.. then the leg muscle will be very pain.. so sian mann.. hate getting injury.. yesteday training also.. old knee injury.. T.T maybe also due to friday duty.. maybe do too long le.. den knee kind of pain and suan.. haiz.. my age is so young.. but my joints is so old.. T.T..

Catching the falling leaves ...[Sunday, May 27, 2007]
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Friday, May 25, 2007

today.. i had saw you at a right place.. but at the wrong time..
thats why i felt so sian.. so miserable...
no mood the..
you had change your expression...
but is same to me..
no matter how you change into..
you are always same to me..
remains good in my mind..
however thats make u look matural to my friends..
but to me..
you look more young..
and i really saw your caring part..
which i do nt expect to see..
but after today..
all this will just remain as my memories..
i do not know..
when will i see you again..
when you will appear again..
as we cannot predict anything..
wish that.. by that time..
things will be better..
you and me could have our own partner..
and no longer think much about the past..

k is late guys.. sleep early..

Ayumi Hamasaki's Dearest
will accompany me through night.. T.T

Catching the falling leaves ...[Friday, May 25, 2007]
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Woo Hoo... felt so suang... that i had show my Fcuking attitude towards my dad for 2 days.. haha..

this few days quite sian.. nothing is better for me to do in both school and home... love being a young kid.. as dere is no 'sian' this work appear in their life... being a teenage is not a good thing too.. as your life is always be control... diao diao.... so sian.. need some entertainment... haha.. bleah..

23/5/2007.. the school had e stupid biathlon... nice to say is a school event.. however there is nly sec1-3 de students when.. plus many pp pon too..=.=..and is like so little people la.. diao... k la.. nothing better to say.. gtg.. tkc guys...

Catching the falling leaves ...[Thursday, May 24, 2007]
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Monday, May 21, 2007

sian.. my mid yr sux.. tmr more will be back.. tmr den tell u all how bad i did 4 my mid yr.. T.T

Catching the falling leaves ...[Monday, May 21, 2007]
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

hi guys.. i am going to fail my physic badly.. i think..haiz.. i had fail my amaths.. scare other subject may not do well.. T.T.. sian.. so stress.. but i had a feeling tthat i am slacking.. i dunno how to buck up man... continue like that.. i v scare i will fail this marathon.. eventhough i saw the water point is getting nearer.. but my timing sure very bad de.. haiz... CAROL!!!!! HELP!!!!

next thing.. ya we still can be friends.. but i don't think we be that close.. as.. i don't need you to prove anything to me.. i only want you to prove me that your attitude change..(in a positive ways..) nott things like learning how to smoke.. and not matter what.. i will not like a guy who smoke.. this is not a very good thing to prove yourself.. as thisis not a good ting to be proud of.. you yourself know that your bady condition is not well.. and you when to try smoking.. to prove yourself to someone.. you stupid or dump.. please.. you not young le.. can you think for yourself.. think for your family.. you yourself got astma or whatever.. end up you go snoking.. just proving yourself that you can smoke.. OMG... please.. again.. think for yourself.. this not proving that you are a hero.. but telling me that.. you are doing things.. which is harming yourself.. and spoiling your image infront of people like me..

Catching the falling leaves ...[Wednesday, May 16, 2007]
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

i just want a simple life now..
i only wan a very very very simple life..
i don't want to be a teen but a child..
being a teen or grown-up is so stress.. i don't like it..
why must i grow up...
and grow up wif no childhood...
make my life so miserable..
make me think that.. i have be a idiot for 15 years..
and grown-ups...
i think that their life were too complicated...
i don't like it...
i really don't like..
feel like dying...
the older i m..
i hate e reality more..
everyone is so realistic..
so fake...
i don't like la..
i wan a simple life..
a very simple one...
and also want a simple guy..
jus everything simple..
and i think is a simple enough for my life...
simple.. very simple.. jus want thingd to be simple..
i don't want to be hurt again...

Catching the falling leaves ...[Sunday, May 13, 2007]
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Saturday, May 12, 2007

miss u lots.. i had jus let u off.. in a way of unwillingess... bu u jus slip throunght.. so sad.. i may nt see u after 2 day.. dunno when.. dunno when can i c u again.. so sian now.. miss.. miss lots.. will try 2 4get.. jus try.. cant 4get e moment when u slip through.. i m so confuse now.. i m so messy.. dunno when 2 start frm... is so bad when u left me.. but u will nt noe how i feel.. i will 4get de.. sure.. pls.. if u when off dis time.. can u dn show urself in front of me.. so tt i will 4get u.. sure will.. as time will fade everything.. haiz..

Catching the falling leaves ...[Saturday, May 12, 2007]
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Friday, May 11, 2007

u jus slip off frm my arms.. n may nt find u after these day.. seeing ur post.. i will suffer frm heartache.. miserable...

Catching the falling leaves ...[Friday, May 11, 2007]
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SIAN SIAN SIAN.. i fail my Amaths.. T.T.. dn expect tt i fail..T.T..sian ar.. next week e v danger woman coming bek.. T.T.. miss haryati had go.. no more slacking in lit cls liao.. T.T.. n a bigger stress had come 2 me liao.. miss tang leh.. miss tang leh.. omg.. OMG!!!!!... help!!!.. SOS!!!.. T.T.. y she nt come bek at e end of may.. i dn mind mann... T.T.. haiz.. stress. stress... dn lyk it..

i m going bek 2 my bball court again.. a place where i 1st found myself.. a place.. where i 1st found my happiness.. a play i could distress in e past.. n now.. i m going bek 2 my new bball court.. a new place 4 me 2 strive 4 success.. a new place 4 me 2 find my new target.. all new... everything is restarting.. back 2 e being.. which is gd..n wash away all my bad result n memorise... HAVE A NICE BEING!!!.. hehe.. 1st smile.. frm my emo life.. nowadays...

haiz.. i mus let it go.. tata.. bye.. sayonara(jap)..i m sry.. kamsahamita(kor)

Catching the falling leaves ...[Friday, May 11, 2007]
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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

hi guys.. i m so disappointed by e gals 2day.. haiz.. suan le.. maybe i gonna wash my hands off ba..

next.. i really cannot.. i dn wanna 2 let u go mann.. i cant tink anymore.. as my tears may roll down when i listen "Dearest" by Ayumi Hamasaki.. even if we onli gt a vvvvvvv short memory.. but it is so wounderful till my heart is so pain now.. i try nt 2 tink u noe.. but i cant.. i jus gt over it.. can somebody safe me.. u r going.. leaving.. leaving my world.. pls dn... i dn wan 2 lose u.. pls.. i dn wan.. i cant stand anymore.. my heart was being pierce n slash by ur knife.. is so painful now.. i dunno y.. but u still dunno wat m i tinking now.. so pain.. i nid a doc.. which is u.. onli u....

Catching the falling leaves ...[Wednesday, May 09, 2007]
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

u are jus gonna 2 left my world..
leaving away frm my world..
last time it contains onli bball n the past one..
but now my world onli contains u n bball..
if u left me..
i will left onli jus half of e world..
why mus u do dis 2 me..
i so sry tt i did nt cherish u when u r around me..
n u tell me u gonna go..
i really cant accpet it...
i really gonna 2 miss u much..
i really dn wan 2 be apart frm you..
is dis love?
i dunno.. really dunno...
but u seems dunno wad m i tinking of..
felt so sad n miserable..
i dunno wad i really wans now..
but i m onli clear tt..
i wan u 2 stay happy at all time..
i dn wan u 2 leave me..
cos i can feel e pain..
somehow i dunno y i feel e pain..
really!! i cant clear my dought u noe?
e 3 basic words, seems so easy, but is really difficult 2 say it out..
oh my dear.. jus tkc...
tink i m gonna 2 miss u lots n lots..
after dis week...
both of us gonna face e new world tt without u n me..

half of my world was gone..
off e universe..
miss ya lots..

wanna tell u tt..
feel so lonely baby i m so lonely..
i never had, i never had 2 hurt u..
miss ya..

Catching the falling leaves ...[Tuesday, May 08, 2007]
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Sunday, May 06, 2007

i dunno.. things happen too fast.. huams are dangerous..in all ways.. love, friendship, work, sch, cca, company and etc.. all were dangerous.. humans ar.. hahaha.. so damn dangerous.. ya i going 2 be more cheng mo.. more zi bi... other den pq.. n my 2 our pri sch bud.. n a fren .. i will nt spit out my secret 2 other pp.. dey cannot be trusted.. CANNOT BE!!.. grown-ups is so kong bu.. i wanna 2 be a child.. everything is so pure.. so pure... so good.. no danger.. n dere is always someone protecting u.. y.. y mus we grow-up.. y.. i dunno.. so be it.. i will be more cheng mo.. more.. but still wil be a pp hu cheer some of u up.. when u nid.. hamansis danger.. grown-up sux.. dey sux.. sux 2 e core.. no truth no trust.. all so jian.. especially u.. u r so bad.. tot u change.. but nt.. getting more jian.. u dis xia jian de woman.. hate u.. more n more.. day by day.. month by month.. sux... everyone sox.. HUMANS SUX!!!

Catching the falling leaves ...[Sunday, May 06, 2007]
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Saturday, May 05, 2007

no one can be trusted.. pq u r e onli one..best bud..
no more.. no wan can be trusted..
is ok.. no one i will trust now.. other den pq..

Catching the falling leaves ...[Saturday, May 05, 2007]
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Friday, May 04, 2007

in e journey of us.. HUMAN(ren).. we will always make problems n difficulties in life.. but 2 me.. there is so much.. ya.. lyk waD e grown-ups always say.. nth is harmful.. as e most harmful creature in e world is humans.. as we cant nt judge a pp by their look.. or we do nt noe whether we could trust dem.. or even we do nt noe waD dey r tinking.. we do nt noe when dey r helping us or when dey r harmful 2 us.. everyone is harmful now.. i agree wif dis descibtion of humans.. as e more i had grow.. there is always a tougher journey 4 me 2 go thru.. but i m always tinking tt.. why m i doing so much.. which my frenz, classmates or even pp hu is e same generation or age as me.. y m i playing 2 roles in e family.. y i gt 2 do so much thing in sch.. y i will always felt tt i m slowering down.. whenever i slack.. our pace of life is going faster n faster.. is so tire.. my life marathon is going tougher n tougher.. dere r more hills 4 me 2 climb.. more bulky road 4 me 2 run.. less water point 4 me 2 rest.. but e other runners were all catching up e pace.. left me.. e onli one.. hu is stilll trying 2 figure out wat is happening in dis marathon.. i had wasted half of my 15 yr old life time.. n i m still quite slack.. still dunno where 2 catch up frm.. i onli noe tt.. i cant or even see e back view of those pp hu had catch up e marathon pace.. if i continues lyk tt.. i tink i could nt make it 4 dis marathon.. but i nid someone 2 help me.. bring me out of my blur vision life.. let me noe wat i really nid n wat i shld do.. in order 2 catch up pace.. HELP!!!.. i nid help.. someone pls safe me...

my post was expressing my point of view of my life.. n really nid someone 2 safe me.. gif me a goals 2 fight 4.. THANKS..

Catching the falling leaves ...[Friday, May 04, 2007]
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Xiao Pang, 17 (:
Turns a year older on every 18 January.
My real name is Chua Pei Qi Peggy.
People prefer to call me Xiao Pang.
Add me @ peg_5566@hotmail.com
