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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

刚看完S.H.E 的612星球的MV..



favourite phrase from S.H.E 612星球:


花别谢太快 请你等等我

Catching the falling leaves ...[Wednesday, November 26, 2008]
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

yesterday was prom..
everything seems to go so fast..
and it was too fast..
when i turn back..
it was like the day i just enter TSS..
which is 2005 in class 1E5.. FT was mr. ng beng keong
same as 2006 in class 2E5..
year 2007 we split classes..
i went into class 3E2.. FT & geo miss tan kuan kuan, maths- Miss Portia Tan<333, Eng- dr lau, Lit- miss haryati & miss tang, Bio- miss chu, chem- mdm ng, phy- mr tan puay eng, ss- mdm chan
year 2008 i continued in class 4E2.. same FT, geo, lit, bio, phy teachers..
maths became mrs peggy koh
chem became mr chan
ss became mr andy..
in TSS, i gain many experiences.. not matter is waas good or bad.. but through all this 'lessons' i did grow up.. and i learn how to be a better person.. cos i really 看出人间的险恶,和人与人之间的关爱.
many teachers did treat me very well.. got too many of them.. so i will just say thank you very much for everything.. you all are great teachers!!

but the most important one will always be my dear MISS PORTIA TAN.. she will be my best teacher of my life.. no one can replace her in my heart..

To miss tan,

认识你也只有短短的两年。但在这两年短暂的学习旅程,你让我觉得学校并不是一个战场。因为在认识你之前,有一些老师的勾心斗角让我对学校感到非常失望。他们除了自己的利益,也从来都不把我们心灵上的创伤放在眼里。他们的举动让我对学校的制度感到非常的绝望。可是,老天疼笨小孩。他在我失落和绝望的时刻,让一个带着希望之光的天使来到了我的世界。在天使的细心教导下, 我们班的maths成绩都一直保持在一定的水准。还有,学校就像是一个了冷宫,但在block D 第一楼的 D1-03,不管是经过还是进去,我都会感到一阵阵的温暖。因为那里是最安全,最温暖的房间。里面会有一个声音又高又大声,但,身材娇小又美丽的女老师。和她在一起,烦恼悲哀都可以抛出脑外。因为她可以帮你隔离外界的争吵,而,用她那幅甜蜜又灿烂的笑容温暖及填满你空虚又寒冷的心房。可是,老天爱捉弄人。在紧要关头的时刻,它呼唤天使回到天堂。我乱了,慌了,大家都不知所措。每天都一直呼唤着天使,希望她能够回来救我。但,她也有自己的难言之以, 所以不能回到人间来保护我。可是,天使一直都在我的身旁陪着我, 也了解我的困难。所以就当她把其它任务做完后,她又回到人间给我伸出援手。可是, 我还是没办法做到最好来报答她, 但他都不怪我让我觉得好惭愧。还有,我生病的时候, 天使每次都会慰问和关心我,让我很感动与感激。她无微不至的关怀和爱护也填满了我世界的色彩。不过,现在我又要和天使分开了。这次,是真的离开。因为我需要到外界闯荡和学习, 所以和天使的距离会根遥远。我舍不得,也不想放手。但,为了自己的未来我会慢慢的学着去放手。可是,我会把我们之间最美好的回忆放在心里和脑里的最深处。永远都不会忘记。也不会忘记你的笑容、笑声、容貌、声音、还有你的眼泪。那位天使就是你,我的专属天使。我会很想你的。


Catching the falling leaves ...[Saturday, November 15, 2008]
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Sunday, November 02, 2008

hey guys..=)
this week ended with..
physic- disappointed.. the paper suckz..
emaths- can be done, not sure whether i will do well..=)
biology- easy.. but i will not do well..( blame myself).. =(

this week ended with these three paper.. the two sciences- don't want to talk about it anymore.. emaths.. really wanted to thank miss tan.. if she did not help me through all the consultations.. i think i will have a hard time dealing with the paper.. have to thank her very much.. she is always there for me.. when i am in trouble.. really..=DD.. and miss chu.. also have to thank you.. but i will blame myself for the bad result i might produce.. sorry.. =(

ok as for today.. just now went to buy bra with my aunt.. in the afternoon, my ah ma was so cute la.. she knew that i am going out with my anut.. than she called me.. she say she want to go out with me.. i think is because i had not see her for around 2 months time.. ever since i started to prepare for Os.. sorry ah ma.. so i went to fetch my ah ma and headed to CCK to meet my aunt.. but we did not buy anything there.. cos it was not suitable for me.. so we headed to causweway point.. funny things happen when i was in the fitting room with aunt..(shall not elaborate cos v ps).. after buying the things i need.. we bring ah ma to eat dessert and walk around the shopping mall.. ah ma was so cute lor.. very ke ai!!! ah ma wanted to eat Ajisen.. so we went back to CCK lot1 there to eat.. aunt went home first.. so i treat ah ma to Ajisen.. she eat until very cute lor.. but she can't finish all, cos she say that the serving was too big for her.. so i paid for the bills.. and cabbed her home.. really miss ah ma.. so long did not see her.. promise to go home for dinner on next sat =DD..

my ah ma very cut hor!! =DD

Catching the falling leaves ...[Sunday, November 02, 2008]
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Xiao Pang, 17 (:
Turns a year older on every 18 January.
My real name is Chua Pei Qi Peggy.
People prefer to call me Xiao Pang.
Add me @ peg_5566@hotmail.com
